Good evening. My name is Alistair Albus Pines de Montmollin, and I want to tell you about me. And who I am, too.

Actually, I should not have written “good evening” just now because, although it might be evening now for you, and I hope it is, obviously. But, if it isn’t, don’t please start thinking that it is, because you’d know that better than me, obviously. Because there’s no way, I regret, that I can know when you are reading this. I wish there was, but there isn’t, so we’ll just have to be grown up about it.
So, I think instead I should start by saying “good whatever it is” and you can fill in the “whatever it is” bit. Ok? Good, so...

For example, if it’s morning now, for you that is, because it’s actually afternoon here for me. Although that does not affect you, obviously. Why should it? What a ridiculous idea. Hahaha.
Excuse me. So, if you are reading this in the morning, your time, then “good whatever it is” would mean “good morning”, on this occasion. But not obviously if you read this again tonight, because then it would be “good night”. Just wanted to clear that out. So...
My name is Alistair Albus Pines de Montmollin... and here is my introduction...

Actually... it wouldn’t be “good night” because that... that means “good bye”, and I wouldn’t want to greet you to this new website of mine by saying “good bye”, because you might stop reading. Oh, yes, and you’d be quite justified. So if you do read this again tonight, good “whatever it is” means “good evening”. Well, I think we’ve cleared that up. Took a bit of time but... worth it, I think.

Good evening. My name is Alistair Albus Pines de Montmollin, and the next thing I type will be my introduction, which is mine. Starting now. Here we go.

My introduction is... I’m Alistair Albus Pines de Montmollin. I’m an earthling. Allegedly. This is my personal website.
For business matters, reach out at How It Should Be.

Thank you. And good whatever it is.
(Reference to John Cleese’s Anne Elk sketch.)

Current Public Projects

How It Should Be - under construction

Cats Are Gods - 2021-present (co-creator)

More on the Showcase page.

Past Public Projects

Gaming Diaries - 2011-2012
GreenElite - 2010-2011
Lello's Story - 2007-2011 - Italian - Private
WoW Life - 2007-2011 - Italian
Lellol (World of Warcraft and Beyond) - 2007-2011 - Italian

More on the Showcase page.


If you want to contact me, send me an email at my public address:

Or use the form just below. It’s the same thing. They end up in my email mailbox either way.

I live not very far from here: